型号 152盖# | |
产品优点Product advantages | 盖子深度Lid's depth |
盖面有加强筋 Lid with strenthen ribs | 12.4mm |
基本材质Material | 惯用厚度Thickness of Material |
马口铁 Tin plate | 0.23mm |
常用涂布工艺Coating process | 覆膜工艺Laminated film process |
单面涂白、涂金、涂透明油 White,gold or transparent exterior only |
单面金膜、白膜、透明膜 Gold,white or transparet exterior only |
打包方式Packaging | 备注Remarks |
拉伸膜+木托打包 Plastic film plus Wooden pallet |
和环口可以多次配合使用 Company with the ring can be used mutiple times |